Newsletter sponsorship

Are you looking to reach a wide audience of remote work seekers?

Working Nomads offers an excellent opportunity to promote your business through our newsletters. Every Monday, we send out a LinkedIn newsletter to over 150,000+ subscribers, and every Thursday to more than 50,000+ subscribers who receive our job alerts, totaling over 200,000+ combined subscribers. We maintain healthy and engaged newsletter lists, with an average open rate of 30%.

Your sponsorship will be prominently featured at the top of each newsletter, including both a text and image, along with a direct link to your website or product page. The cost for advertising in both newsletters for one issue is $900.

Take a moment to review our sample issue. Please find below a sample showcasing the sponsorship placement in our newsletters. Secure your slot by sending us a message at We look forward to helping you reach your target audience and grow your business!


Sample issue


Contact us at to secure your slot or to ask for more details.